9 Ki Divination for a Star 2 year – DIY 9 Stars & Luoshu events forecasting

See Star 2 in motion from just straight ahead those news events
Here’s to a choice of 9 Stars and Luoshu events forecasting for a Star 2 year, to cover both world events and your personal life progression. I am thrilled to show you the newly attained Luoshu Axis and Reversed Luoshu Axis, while how certain events, then dos & don’ts for our personal planning, would be attributable to certain Luoshu dynamics more, than perhaps to 9 Stars as such.


Be sure to first see here introduction part to master newly attained Luoshu dynamics on:

Luoshu Trend
Luoshu Axis
Reversed Luoshu Axis
In Prison-Out of In Prison
Central Luoshu Palace

Keep 9 Stars and Trigram attributes handy as you stay close to news progressions.

(Find day Ki Star calendar at the far end).

It is presumed that you are either an adept 9 Ki’er or aspire to be one, but at least so that you will be able to extract the belonging images from the news, along always my invitation that you move in front of your news media in hand annual- and monthly Luoshu, to see it 9 Stars in real motion from straight ahead.

Therefore, let’s start by showing some altered ways to pick up on news events in light of – at times freshly attained – 9 Stars and Luoshu dynamics.

Whereas Star 2 then comes as one of most versatile among 9 Stars, we tend to take it for its more commonly known attributes such as for a school, hospital, pharma, agriculture, food, provision, contamination, spouse, migrant, inmate or a crowd.

That’s notwithstanding one of its more striking features, which is in:

“Surface relied on for protection”

Which then would be in – notably collapse of – floorings, roofs, wall, guardrail, pillars and bridges, even landing gear, sink hole, dam failures, mudslide and the like, as those will pull in much of our attention during times of Star 2.

That is besides Star 2 overseeing  just ‘people’, as in family, women, students, migrants, hostages, crowded streets in protests, mass relocations, or as such pharma related developments, journalists, aid workers, famine.

Two swift examples, so that you may infer 9 Stars and Luoshu from events, well, assuming of course that indeed you took it your annual- and monthly Luoshu in front of your news media.

Or, did you see that man swaying from a rope in above image?

Unlike your neighbor you wouldn’t have missed in noting Star combination 2-4 for a rope4 outbreak by an inmate2, or as now you ‘get it’ the collapse of a rope bridge2-4, the latter not even that unlikely with then additionally Star combination 2-4 in Kan Palace for indeed (fall into) depth.

To you now, that is as in seeing 9 Ki as moving images from just straight ahead, until to both you and your neigbor – same Luoshu – a parcel4 delivery at a school2 is just that: a parcel being delivered at a school, while for that too you would have been noting Star combination 2-4 in your Luoshu, Star 2 for school, Star 4 for parcel or document.

Next day along identical Star combination 2-4, we may be looking at a missile4 fired at a hospital2, as hospital is just one of Star 2’s other attributes, then Star 4 ‘projectile’.

Well, on to the 9 Ki of it, to first share it this remarkable newly found notion on Luoshu Axis, which is there to tremendously alter your approach!

Luoshu Axis

If earlier we were to ‘do’ 9 Ki for a person with Star ‘x’, we would have zoomed in on ‘just’ Star x in ‘just’ one singled-out Palace. This is as in still seeing Luoshu as if it consisted of 9 self-contained single units.

This would equally apply to Star combinations that appear in a certain Palace, while information as so gathered would not be brought in light of Stars elsewhere in Luoshu.

We would then weigh Star attributes and Palace properties for our divination.

Rather, you will see that Luoshu consists of 4 distinct electromagnetic +/- arms,
along which it will be exchanged currents of 9 Stars back and forth among opposite Palaces.

That’s like stepping away from Luoshu as if it were a flat surface, to seeing Luoshu for the electromagnetic premise – turbine – that it actually is, until it would matter all Stars gathered as seen from opposite position along same Luoshu Axis, then each Star its contribution.

I will give examples for that, while only in mind Luoshu Axis, were finally we able as in saying:

“nothing to befall our Subject Star(s) to Read with not
the hand in affairs of opposite Palace and Star(s)”.

Once as you got the hang of this, you will not only always consider it opposite Palace and Star(s), but you would by that have it obtained amazing new panorama, along significantly more detail, while – for the attentive reader – there is more…

While up to recently we would be pretty much done reading with just one Palace and Stars there, we can now not only read from opposite Palace and Star(s) ‘what that letter is about’, but for the first time it may be reasoned into (go ahead and try it) criminal cold cases (who dunnit, where at are the jewels), more so unsolved missing persons cases (where to trace, circumstances), so this is an unprecedented addition to our existing 9 Stars and Luoshu curriculum.

I may therefore – if only for purpose of study – propose an alternative Luoshu depiction as shown on the right for a Star 2 year.

If then for the purpose we omit ‘a’ central Luoshu unit, it may be better envisioned the basic Luoshu Palaces for their appropriated plus (+) or minus (-) designations, while we may here bold-line the Gen-Kun trajectory to highlight the year’s annual Reversed Luoshu Axis, now that after all annual Star 8 appears from opposite its original Palace, by that it ‘pole reversed’ the Luoshu Axis as a whole.

Aside we may now bold a certain Luoshu Axis to accentuate Reversed Luoshu Axis, we may limit to only highlight our Subject Star(s) to Read along same Luoshu Axis.

Should now your Subject Star to Read come as annual Star 8 to account of an event or person, you may as such read Gen-Kun Luoshu Axis in its entirety, then leave it at that.

We will have now lifted our divination in 9 Ki to standards earlier not fathomed, so why not an exercise:

Star 2 year by images

Star 2 Black (Èr Hè 二黑) is likened to Trigram Kūn 坤卦 for Earth – or receptiveness, while can be compassionate. While association is not causation, Star 2 Earth may associate with planet Saturn (Tǔ Xīng – 土星), then with Jù Mén (巨門) in the Big Dipper (Bei Dou 北斗).

Kun Earth on a personal level is in being serving, studious, with an eye out on others for their provision, a talent for care and healing, while it is in marriage, spouse, homestead (earlier than building8), female (principle), (grand)mother (to all Gua), nun (Star 8 monk), abdomen, spleen, stomach, pancreas, the digestive tract, fertility, womb, flesh.

Star 2 once as taken to events, you would not skip to note it for indeed ‘surface relied on for protection’, submerged hollow space, sink hole, farming, healthcare, mob, inmate, labor mine, zoo, corridor, small settlement, displacement, migrants, hostages, famine.

It is Star 2 in civil service, relief organisations, while its more obscure outings will be noted in a more concealed mutiny – thereby not unlikely piracy -, anyway, enough so that only indeed you would wish to sit in front of your news media to see Star 2 full force ahead.

We say that Stars gathered at the central Palace manage Luoshu Trend, or ‘what’s in the air’, as seemingly central Stars may be more receptive to attract events, rather than instigate events, for lack of still better phrasing.

Now with annual Star 2, we may see news tend towards populace (just normal folk), civil servants, mass protests, medical incidences – including break throughs – mudslides and dam breaks.


In combination – or once as aligned – with Star 3 may be kick3 in the belly2, or police3 charge on a crowd2, with Star 7 school2 stabbing7 or surgery.

The year’s Annual Reversed Luoshu Axis

In times of Star 2, Star 8 (+) moves to Kun Palace (-), while now that it appears from opposite its original Gen Palace, Star 8 instigates the annual Reversed Luoshu Axis, taking it Star 5 properties with it.

While the annual Reversed Luoshu Axis for a Star 2 year would of course affect annual Star 8 and annual Star 5, as well as those basic properties otherwise assigned to Gen and Kun Palace, the same such influence would befall monthly- or daily Stars once as these step onto this Luoshu Axis.

Until, if not already you were used to following news in accordance with the central Star(s), you’ll be quite thrilled once as you see this aspect in the annual-, monthly- or daily Luoshu.

We may note properties usually assigned to the Star 2 Luoshu Palace ‘magnetically off’, taking events into directions unsuspect, which will show in indeed education, teachers, schools, universities, healthcare, nurses and doctors, agriculture, cattle, contamination, labor mine incidences, food production and -distribution, supplies and provision, women’s interests, families.

Annual Star 5 in Gen Palace equally joins the annual Reversed Luoshu Axis, which will affect its characteristics, which – to only mention a few of its great many – would be in established institutions and their publicly inaccessible (guarded, gated) buildings (ministeries, judicial buildings), stronghold, fortress, while it may be in judicial trials of enormous proportion, decisive scientific breakthrough, armed forces, paramilitary, motorcycle clubs, status quo.

Star 5 – often taken for its more infamous influence – may be in ego or ethnicity related (my people), coup d’etat, martial law, curfew, occupation, ousted leadership, regime change, transfer of power, fait accompli. In company of other Stars – occupation island1-5, sea battle1-5, construction in sea1-5, commuter station or marshalling yard3-5, military bunker5-6, laboratory5-8.

If you find your 9 Ki birth Stars over the annual- or monthly Reversed Luoshu Axis, would just you proceed, while attentive a bit more, now that the phone call may take a turn of its own, then if you found yourself in such luxury position, you would try and postpone.

Now that February kicks off in both a Star 2 year and month, we may see the Star configuration in effect with little to no delay, while as said, this is going to be a notable year, if only because you will be able to brush up on your skill in 9 Stars and Luoshu as not often before.

More recent such Star 2 years would have been 1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007, 2016.

Your personal Star(s) in the Star 2 year

Let’s first handle how your 9 Ki birth Stars sit in the annual Luoshu.

See which Palace (Host) your Star (Guest) resides in for the year, then consider Palace properties as listed in similar image next section, to estimate prospects, so you may weigh your initiatives.

Now with your Star(s) in a certain Luoshu Palace for the year, here’s to just a choice of some of the more prominent properties for the Luoshu Palaces, while that then weighed as always against properties for the opposite Palace, then Star(s) there.

You may zoom in on both your first Star for year of birth and your second Star for month of birth, while – if you happen to know it – you may involve your third Star, while only if it signifies your day of birth.

Always adapt in line with context, your insight, while never let anything or anyone (metaphysical) keep you from initiative, while just go ahead as so you thought to proceed, in mind always your forward progressive movement. Even during those times when you notice your Star(s) on the Reversed Luoshu Axis, would you proceed as usual, while only of course if it were shown reason for doing so, would you decide to adjust your activities, to take in a perhaps more wait-and-see attitude.

If you are a Star 2, while now that Star 2 would be – sotosay – excused from the Luoshu circuit, may you invest in the gathering of resources, if only as you’d reserve ample time to recuperate from last year’s events which may have been abundant now that after all you had dwelled in Xun Palace on the then annual Reversed Luoshu Axis.

Once as done that for the first part of the year, while mind diet and health2, spend time around your family2, handle your reference books, may for the latter part of the year you prepare for then the following year’s ‘boost in career’ once with your Star 2 in Qian Palace.

Once as perhaps you would be at this time at a loss still as to ‘what then exactly’ such ‘boost in career’ would imply, you could take an advance glimpse onto then next year’s annual Luoshu, to see that it will be your Star 2 in Qian Palace, while from opposite annual Star 9 in Xun Palace.

As we have no idea about of course your current goings on, that would be a matter of combining properties for Qian Palace – for management, organisation, discipline, ethics – with then particularities of Xun Palace (documents, contracts, much elevated portents for travel), until if you are a teacher or consultant, this may give you an idea on how to employ such annual Star 9 for its ‘high radiance’ and its ability to ‘get you (known) out there’, until you may be recognized for your skills.

If you are a Star 3, then Qian Palace is known for breathing new life in all of one’s professional endeavors, as not only would it provide authority (you’ll gain in ‘Yang Qi’), we say that people ‘will believe’ you, to put trust in your judgment, skills and guidance, so, you may make the most of your niche.

May be promoted, so this is an excellent time to advertise yourself for your qualities, while stay on the move so as to not become a hermit.


If you are a Star 3, you’ll note annual Star 1 in Xun Palace which is good for documents, writing, then air travel, while in case of either one, you would give it an extra round of preparation and double check on your contracts and travel tickets due to Star 1 there, besides Qian Palace – besides car – may bode a legal matter.

Related to Star 1 as well, could you see alterations within your career6.

Mind respiratory system4, reproductive tract1, legs and feet3, skull6, lungs6, large intenstine6.

After last year’s eventful time along the annual Reversed Luoshu Axis, this bodes much more laid back times for your Star 4, until you could loosen up to harvest leisure time, eligibly romanticism.

Now that finances7 are a constituent of Dui Palace, this may render momentum for investments or speculation, while with annual Star 9 in opposite position, you may have something become known9 about you, which may of course be celebrated, until (as in, a Star can devote its energy only once) I would initiate this pro-actively, just to be on the safe side.

That is because Dui Palace for Star 7 can be many things, while at times it may be known for ‘crack’, or associated with intrusion or gossip of sorts, until this could effect your documents and contracts, which you might then subject to anticipatory research – so not a bad idea to take care of backups.

If there were anything that you would want to let it be seen the light, then become known, now seems the time to announceLI PALACE.

Li Palace will be higher in radiance, which would make you become ‘visible’, while it is a good time to socialize, with potentially new acquaintances. Due to annual Star 7 in opposite position, your endeavors may require financial acrobatics, while the ‘other thing’ with Star 7 is, that it may bode dental work or surgery of sorts, Kan Palace then ‘good for’ kidney/bladder, reproductive organs, blood.

You would not give it your stepping out there to gain it your ‘one minute of fame’ a second thought, as it is a splendid time to promote yourself, while as said would you monitor annual Star 7 into opposite position, as your efforts may come with due financial investments, which you wouldn’t like to see get out of hand.

Keep an eye out therefore specifically, once as your Star 6 appears in either Kan Palace for a month – as such then from opposite monthly Star 5 -, or as indeed your Star 6 would appear on the monthly Reversed Luoshu Axis, which would be of course during the Star 7 month of June for a Star 2 year.

As a Star 7, while now that 9 Ki would never even suggest to abstain from activities or initiative, it would be due time for evaluation perhaps, a time for contemplation1, self-reflection and to grant it (re)think an extra round.

This year can endorse philosophical thinking, the (re)considering of one’s inner motive and ideological values. Because annual Star 6 can be found in opposite position, it may be involved your professionalism6, as you may change careers.

Note also that Star 6 may become judicial, which shouldn’t be bad as an automation, for as long as you had it your story all dusted.

Star 9 in Zhen Palace for “new impulse in an existing activity” so much as implies, that you may go ahead with new ventures, if even on impulse.

Following last year’s perhaps more stationary mode, you may trust on your instinct, your drive for exploration, while making new acquaintances.

Documents might be involved now that Star 9 appears from opposite annual Star 4 in Dui Palace, so be ready for writing, paper work (contracts). You may be looking at an elated and successfulZHEN9 time ahead.

You will see how easily you may excite people with your enthusiasm, until they’d volunteer to join you in your ideas and plans.

You would have last year with your Star 1 in Zhen Palace taken up on many new things, as you would have stepped into fields earlier unexplored, on which you may further build this year.

With last year your Star 1 from opposite annual Star 5 then also, you may have been away a lot, while it may have come with certain hindrances, decisive moments, perhaps change in environment or community.

This year may be bright, good for socializing, traveling, but what’s more, you may experience an upsurge in creativity, music, writing and reading.

A somewhat more transcendent style of thinking endorsed by Xun Palace, may just bring new insights.

With last year your Star in Zhen Palace, while this year a ‘repetition’ as such of Star 3 portents now that Star 3 appears in Qian Palace from opposite your own, you may take your such new insights to more professional levels, as Qian is good on management, while make sure to stay with schedule and your due planning as Xun Palace can be also a bit delicate.

Gen-Kun Annual Reversed Luoshu Axis

While I thought to save this bit until last, we may round up by giving an estimation around annual Star 5 and annual Star 8, now as these appear along the Gen-Kun annual Reversed Luoshu Axis.

If either your first or second Star of birth comes as Star 5 or Star 8, then so as in order to anticipate on events eligible, may you want to go back perhaps to check on progressions 9, 18, 27 and so on years ago.

As would be true always anyway, stay rested, oxygenated, take your probiotics, drink your water, walk your mile while chew well, while as it would know little more than to carry out assignments, could you encourage your brain to take in positivity as its foremost duty – if only it were so visualized.

While not all of us normal folk may have it either Star 5 or Star 8 for our birth Star, would of course eventually our Star(s) migrate to said Gen-Kun Luoshu Axis for a month, which would have you mindful on the notion of annual Reversed Luoshu Axis just the same, as you may want to be a bit more awaiting, then think another time before coming into initiative.

Now that annual Star 8 appears from opposite its native Palace, it instigates the annual Reversed Luoshu Axis, which may render properties normally glued onto Gen-Kun Luoshu Axis ‘magnetically off’, until we may as always just go ahead, while be prudent, as matters may not ‘go anywhere’ or may not be ‘as seemed’.

It may be challenging along unexpected evolvements.

Nonetheless would Star 8 indulge in studiesKUN, improve health outlook, in preparation then notably also of next year’s Zhen Palace, which will be good on new beginnings.

Note however that our ‘reversed’ annual Star 8 would step on next year’s annual Reversed Luoshu Axis just the same, with now annual Star 3 to appear in Dui Palace from opposite its original position in Luoshu. Should this effect you as a Star 8, once more you will be at a certain advantage once in knowing this.

While mind you, would 9 Ki under no circumstance distinguish between Stars of birth due to gender, such as would be persisted on still in Ba Zhai (Eight Mansions) as there we are supposed to adopt ‘a’ Ming Gua ‘number’, which has been an elephant to never go away.

Apart from the given that 9 Stars are not numbers, would it be whispered as where then a Star 5 born woman (Yin) would adopt it ‘Gua’ 8 (Yang), a Star born 5 man (Yang) then ‘Gua’ 2 (Yin), which of course is unprecedented.

This then would be justified ‘only’ now that Star 5 usually ‘sits’ in the center of Luoshu to ‘have it’ no Trigram (Gua) assigned, while there’s not of coure ‘a’ supposed Trigram for the central Luoshu unit, then 5 Yellow.

As a Star 5, you may wish to cling on to somewhat steady mode, remain a bit more awaiting, now that such notion of ‘reversed’ may take things ‘going nowhere’. Gen Palace may change course and direction in life.

Star 2 year – events forecasting

We may get to a slight choice of basic properties as these link to the Luoshu Palaces, while then some events forecasting for the year.

As 9 Stars migrate though Luoshu, they bring their 9 Stars and Trigram attributes, to mingle their Ki with the varying Luoshu Palace properties, then meet other Stars to once more exchange attributes.

As a first – inconclusive – example therefore, if annual Star 6 ‘is’ a car, while monthly Star 3 ‘is’ a tree, we would have the Star combination 6-3, and we may see a tree to fall on a car. The other time as we had it Star combination 3-6, we may see a car to collide into a tree.

This is, please, while also we wouldn’t say ‘Numbers’, or commit numerology, as if it where one Star to ‘add’ to or to ‘take from’ the other, as that is in the realm of math, just as is ‘Magic Square’.

Once in the realm of events forecasting, 9 Stars are being operated from out of Tian Yuan (Time), until there are no factors or as such correlations to influence or steer 9 Stars magnetism to encourage events, other than just Wuji-powered, that then in orchestration with certain Luoshu dynamics, such as Reversed Luoshu Axis. 

Star 2 year – annual Stars

As said, the flavor year-round will be around people, if not families, students, migrants, then crowds massively gathered in the street. For finer detail you rely on a) the monthly Star to visit the central unit, while of course you’ll note b) where in turn each time during the course of the year monthly Star 2 goes to mingle with other Palaces and Stars.

No matter how you zap through your news channels, you’ll see breakthrough in medicine, major events in education, alongside civil servants, while as said the collapse of ‘surface relied on for protection’, which may be Star 2’s easiest to miss attribute, while now you would note that in even landing gear and amusement park cars, indeed sink holes.


Star 2 entails partition- or protective wall, even as a boundary in a metaphorical sense.

On the down side, expect failed harvests, famine, stalled food production and -distribution, food poisoning, spread of disease worldwide, apart from bankruptcies involving small retail and catering industry predominantly.

The year will be important on journalists, doctors, teachers, ‘small folk’ as in just people like you and me, which would pull our attention towards indeed women, fertility, family, students, inmates, migrants, hostages, border or corridor incidents, while not excluded mass evacuations and relocations.

There may be however a ‘but’ to this, as I’ll try and show here, which is also why this time around I would keep my projections a bit on the conservative side:

For Star 3 you might have to screen for a bit more, as it can take on a variety of faces, as it may present less apparently as uniformed personnel – such as police, firefighters – as well as inventions, high rise buildings, forest, electricity, ICT, marketing, railway and metro, railway personnel.

Star 3 related to police in Qian Palace, may indicate police strike, supply with new equipment, revisions in organizational structure.

Either way, you will find a variety of events, each time in accordance with then also monthly Stars over the same Luoshu Axis, then labor strike6 more predominantly in associated fields due to Qian influence.

You will find it interesting how Star 3 for otherwise ‘uniformed personnel’, thereby police, may take on notions of fully armored security forces once aligned with Star 9.

In combination with Star 5, may show as commuter station3-5, or police3 involved barricading5, while once as aligned with Star 83-8 – check opposite Star 1 for aquatic, island also – may see earthquake.

It’s best to check Star 4’s attributes on my website, now that it seems as versatile as Star 2, with subtleties that you want to be able to recognize from the news.

It is in ‘excitement of air’, or how Star 4 would pass through air from a point A to a point B, as in airplane, drone, projectile, missile, as well as in volatile substances.

It is then a matter of building scenarios as Star 4 combines with other Stars, such as here Star 7 for Dui Palace, then the opposite Star 9. Dui Palace for Star 7 is then good for finances, funding, Star 9 for fueling.

It is Star 4 largely also in aviation, airplane, travel industry, transportation industry, then world trade, trade deals. It may be in the announcement9 of economicDUI PALACE reforms, then banking system. It may be Star 4 in a tornado or volatile substances4 to cause for a blaze9<>4.

We are not surprised if such aligned Star 9 and Star 4 lead to new invention9 in the field of data carriers4.

Pending Stars to align with it, you will further see Star 4 related to treaties, the written word, archives, coding, marketing, the act of shelling, aeronautics, rope, strangulation.

Star 6 will appear in the news prominently, which inspires images of corporations and their management, the military, car and weapons industry, legislation and judiciary.

We may see an upsurge in new engineering6, the industry by and large, while Star 6 is in motor vehicle, explosives, bullet, so that it may involve armed conflict.

Due to Star 7 in opposite position, this would imply financial events for capacities involved, grandiose bankruptcies and merges, while something earlier concealed may become known, along not unlikely sexKAN scandal.

It may well be therefore that a prominent person – not unlikely to be a CEO6 -, appears in the news now with opposite Star 7 for romance (outside gossip), then in Kan Palace for typically sex.

Star 7 strongly associates with finances, monetary system, the economy, while now that it resides in Kan Palace for – within context – (fall into) depth or loss, may we expect major movements for the worst, certainly with Star 6 in opposite position, which would be likened to management, government, corporations, industry.

Once Star 7 taken for a vessel, then Kan Palace for ocean, while annual Star 6 in opposite position for the military, that could be suggestive for battle ships, as well as sea trade affected.

May see sex scandal of certain proportion, now that Kan Palace associates with sex organs and libido, with then one of Star 7’s portents eroticism, pleasure industry.

Star combination 6-7 would be in a harbor or dock, the construction of a shopping mall, or a shopping mall7 shooting6.

As Star 7 owns the ability to cause for a crack, or to be invasive or dismantling, may see acts of hacking or sabotage.

Star 9 – as always ‘greater than life’ – promotes images of entertainment industry (music, film, actors), then media4 merges, while now with Star 4 in opposite position – that then further triggered by Dui Palace – can bring about scandal, slander, documented4 disclosure9. Excavation of scriptures9<>4.

New developments in the electrical industryzhen, information technology, computer related, involving scripts, new insights sun physics.

Star 9 involves in blazes, fuel incidents, while the opposite Star 4 oversees volatile substances, may expect oil disaster.

Star 9 is in armor, fully armored personnel, armored vehicle, which may be notable 9 Ki-wise once as you remembered annual Star 2 in central position for protesters, until once monthly Star 3 joins annual Star 2, this may show as ‘your just regular’ police, while with monthly Star 9 would we see full enforcement, along fully armored personnel, armored vehicles.

In combination with (including then as aligned along same Luoshu Axis) Star 8 may bode a light house, fuel capacity, in combination with Star 5 may be discovery9 of new species5, in combination with Star 7 fuel9 ship7 transport. Once as Star 9 meets with Star 1 anywhere in Luoshu, may come as unearthing of bones, with Star 6 the unearthing of coins.

Star 1 is good for a wide range of features, such as island, marine life, religion, until, now that Star 1 appears in Xun Palace for writing and documents, take into account leading scientific research publications related to areas covered by Star 1.

Due to the strongly expanding nature of Xun Palace, it can denote flooding1 (of airportsxun), while the opposite Star 3 evokes associations of computer and power outage, notable constructions of electrical3 machineryQIAN or wind parks4 at sea.

Star 1 for H2O in Xun Palace for respiration, may soon associate with dolphins and whales, while in combination with Star 2 it may bode virus infection1 or food2 poisoning1, in combination with Star 5 events in the realm of religion1.

We may then accentuate the Gen-Kun Luoshu Axis. With annual Star 8 to appear from opposite its base Gen Palace in Luoshu, it instigates the annual Reversed Luoshu Axis.

The first thing I would note, not looking at just annual Star 8, but as it aligns with annual Star 5, will be on matters surrounding government and legislation, it not unlikely involved a country’s constitution.

Both Stars can be quite influential, then firm, while conservative.

Star 8 for in principle revolutionary change in Kun Palace would affect a.o. agriculture, food (production), education, populace, migrants. Star 8’s ‘sudden stop’ would suggest stalled developments in the realm of Star 2 properties.

Star 8 oversees it real estate predominantly, so we may expect circumstances around constructions, while keep an eye out on evictions, mortgage issues, while not surprised should the housing market take a plunge.

Once it considered this aligned with Star 5, things can get bogged down and come to a halt, while Star 5 may associate with status quo, sovereignty, until we may be looking at ousted leadership, coup d’etat.

If we grant it Star 8 the flavor of science, while then aligned with Star 5, we may see a massive breakthrough in physics.

The least this Star configuration would do is we may anticipate fairly remarkable events around change of power, citizens, groups of a particular interest, real estate, border, corridor, developments around ethnicity, outside a then unmistakable – determining – influence in fields of women’s rights.

Once more in view of the opposite Star 5, may we see the educational field, then agriculture, the housing industry, or even the medical field stalled.

As it is, the Gen-Kun Luoshu Axis may be associated with often decisive twists in the realm of attributes of Stars involved, while it will be here always aligned 1-4-7, 2-5-8 then 3-6-9.

In then weighing these Palaces, we grant the Gen Palace great mandate for change, which can be revolutionary, while once as a monthly Star flies to Gen Palace, it would have either way annual Star 5 awaiting, which can be significant.

It is not a misunderstanding that Star 5 can be involved in all kinds of negative developments, now that it is not sovereignty, territorial (occupation) or fait accompli for no reason, until it may be done injustice once forgotten that it is equally good for (what else) magnificence, which usually you will see erased.

If however you know how to deal with emperor Qi, it may be your ally.

You wouldn’t be surprised if you saw judicial cases of enormous proportion, or occupation forces nose towards target, as said decisive discoveries in physics, while much more than Star 5 would be good for certain physical objects (boulder, massive concrete structures), it seems to own status quo.

Heluo Hill