Welcome to Heluo Qi Explorations Netherlands!
You've landed here, as you like to pick up on studies, or as you wish to see our many 'articles', here within quotation marks, as these are unabridged chapters from our workbooks, for you to enjoy wherever you are.
18 weeks full fledged one-on-one Distance Learning with Heluo Hill.
Your personalized study file will go back & forth between us all the time,
until it mounts to an essay in its own right, everything done in your name.
(Workbook 610 pages)
(Workbook 650 pages)
(Workbook 480 pages)
Contact If You Wish To Come In For Studies
Write me a descriptive email at heluo@xs4all.nl to introduce yourself, your professional experience, your aspirations in the field of Oriental Metaphysics, and I'll be only glad to send you information.
We don't teach in modules, each study aims to transmit the complete system in 1 gathering!
Students, teachers and - aspiring - professional consultants, as well as our colleagues
from 38 countries rely on us for advanced and competitive studies.
Enjoy our school's distinctive approach to teaching, and rely on direct teacher-student interaction with Heluo.
But before we proceed...
As you would want to be able and determine in advance that you have arrived at the right school, I will give a few links here.
I’ll show you our distinctive approach to teaching, while you will find our website filled with extensive articles for your learning, wherever you are.
Our school and vocational study program
A choice of articles
One of 9 Stars and 8 Trigrams? 5 Yellow - aka Star 5 - focus of attention
Any which way taken...
Help Set You Apart From Others In The Field
♦ Our carefully designed structure transmits each study in 1 gathering, so that you'll be not required to return to class in endless 'modules', only so as to gather the teaching in any one single topic of study by bits and pieces.
♦ We keep to direct student-teacher interaction, as we adapt to your personal and professional situation.
♦ Professionals rely on Heluo for their training, in a very much scholarly and down to earth environment.
♦ Each study comes with a massive workbook in topic of study (480-730 pages) to land on your doorstep and Certificate of Completion.
In fact, for the attentive reader and if you know how to read in between the lines...
As a serious practitioner, or with your professional practice in full swing as a teacher or a consultant in the field of Chinese Metaphysics, you will like how (not) we treat art and student.
Well, we all practice from good faith and to the best of our abilities. If not for ourselves, then in name of students or clients.
If you're anything like me, you'll insist that each system of application that we study or from which we advise others, would effectively deliver what it preaches.
There can be no inbuilt flaws in anything that we care to study, then take into practice for sake of our own or others' well-being.
The ancient scholars and founding fathers of the various Oriental metaphysical systems – actually rather more the ‘emperor’ - had a way of turning a scientific observation into a decoy, only then presented to the public. It becomes art in itself to ‘clean up’ your practice and to be able and take back the smoke screen finally to its originally intended purpose.
Once unveiled some of those decoys, you will be surprised to see how still today, those would be persistently employed as genuine 'technique' by the field.
Once class door closes, rest assured therefore, that I take greatest pride: you'll learn everything formally and systematically just as it is supposed to for your profundity and competitiveness, while then you come with me, as I will yet show you how to spot and then debunk decoys stealthily there in exactly some of those ‘most trusted’ and 'least to come under suspicion' approaches in the various Oriental metaphysical systems.
Email me at heluo@xs4all.nl .

We are proud that your workbook is edited - added to - all the time, then printed in your name.