9 Ki Divination for a Star 2 year – DIY 9 Stars & Luoshu events forecasting
So as to not repeat here, 9 Ki Divination for a Star 3 year for year prior lets you delve deeper into the following (newly attained) Luoshu dynamics: Luoshu Trend. Luoshu Axis. Reversed Luoshu Axis. In Prison-Out of In Prison. Central Luoshu Palace. You may want to keep here overview of 9 Stars and Trigram […]
9 Ki Divination for a Star 3 year – DIY 9 Stars & Luoshu events forecasting
Fetch a drink and pen and paper… Here’s to certain overall, then month-by-month 9 Stars and Luoshu events forecasting as it may be done for a Star 3 year on the basis of 9 Ki Divination 九星占卜, in mind what we would see presented in our news media. It would have been this your otherwise […]
9 Star Ki Divination – Events Forecasting Trigram Attributes
Now it becomes your second nature to translate 9 Stars into events and back, to let Luoshu do the talking. Here 9 Stars attributes will be all that you need for: 9 Stars and Luoshu real (news) events forecasting 九星占卜 Watch as your news images turn into a moving Luoshu. (Well, assumed first of course […]