Flying Star Feng Shui – Wuxing 5 Elements Shapes and Forms

Chinese Flying Star Feng Shui Wuxing 5 Elements shapes and forms - Heluo Hill

A great deal of influence is attributed to color, shape and form of physical objects in Chinese Feng Shui. This is irrespective if you were to practice Black Hat Tantric Buddhist Sect style (BTB) or Flying Star Feng Shui.

Physical objects come as the single most employed approach in Chinese Feng Shui to ‘cure’, ‘remedy’ or ‘treat’ an observed situation, each time conscientiously picked for their Wuxing form, shape and color.

Whereto would energy inherent in physical objects move? How big is the influence that we can expect to come from physical objects?

What is meant by “Qi heals Qi – things within the same group move one another?”

Brought to you by Heluo Qi Explorations Netherlands | Heluo Hill

Before at all we could distinguish shape and form of the manifested object, energy happens.

Let’s discern the underlying energetic pattern behind the manifested object, and explore why in the realm of Wuxing 5 Elements ‘Fire’ can be rectangular, why ‘Metal’ round.

We will let our discourse revolve around Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui 風水飛星派 a bit more, now that Fei Xing Feng Shui works with 9 Stars, in mind the Mountain and Water Principle.

Prerequisite in our understanding of tangible and intangible phenomena – be that as we assess exterior or interior form and shape – is to understand that intangible is mother to any and all tangible occurrence.

If you observe a triangular shape, the form came as merely a symptom of a certain underlying energetic pattern.

We will reflect upon the movement and direction of a certain energy, give it boundaries and arrive to the eventual shape and understand that there is but One indivisible Qi.

We will discuss why using smaller objects for Feng Shui adjustments may not have the effect as perhaps you had anticipated and we will see why we may have to somewhat ease down on expectations.

Before we rely on influence and effect of shapes and forms for purpose of Flying Star Feng Shui, other factors take precedence.

Saying, if our Flying Star chart calls for adjustment, we predominantly work with Mountain and Water Principle onto 9 Stars.

Here, Mountain is not so much in elevations, Water not in H2O.

We say:

“The Mountain Dragon does not go Down Water; the Water Dragon does not go Up Mountain”.

Mountain Principle takes care of “close and disallow pathway for Qi”, while Water Principle takes care of “open and allow pathway for Qi”.

This should come before anything else in Fei Xing Feng Shui, while, once that established, and if still you saw reason to adjust, you may resort to doing furniture placement, the placements of physical objects for their Wuxing 五行 ‘emblem’.

Keep in perspective that, once you perform in name of
Flying Star Feng Shui, 9 Stars will remain the main players, while
Wuxing a helpful bunch, those remain your side dish – so to say.

Let’s first designate energetic movement by an arrow, then captured by a dotted line, then propose the resulting form.

Wood shape
Chinese Flying Star Feng Shui Wuxing 5 Elements Wood - Heluo Hill

Wood comes under forces of expansion, so that we establish a strong upwardly bound movement (arrow). It is a rather definite – explosive if you will – force, its momentum not to be halted or redirected easily.

Fire shape
Chinese Flying Star Feng Shui Wuxing 5 Elements Fire - Heluo Hill

Arrows indicate that radiant Fire would be typically upward first, then, once exhausted its upward movement, it moves outward. Energy in its ultimate point, so much so that its only option is to still move back to a center.

Earth shape
Chinese Flying Star Feng Shui Wuxing 5 Elements Earth - Heluo Hill

Earth is seen as energy back at its gathering phase. Energy collecting, not yet moving inwardly. Image of a square, or with a change in push-pull involved, a slight rectangle.

Metal shape
Chinese Flying Star Feng Shui Wuxing 5 Elements Metal - Heluo Hill

Spiral moving inwardly, rapidly and decisively, becoming more dense as it reaches the center. Image of cirkel, dome or oval.

Water shape
Chinese Flying Star Feng Shui Wuxing 5 Elements Water - Heluo Hill

Decisive horizontally inclined and/or downward bound movement to a point that we perceive a flowing, dissolving energy. Diminished cohesion.

Survive, manifest and achieve
Just as living tissue is out to ‘survive, manifest and achieve’ and to gain ‘momentum’, we may project same to be true for everything else – tangible or intangible -, including physical objects (even belief system), which we may then further understand as, everything is out to ‘survive, manifest and achieve’ along the notion of Pattern, Intent, Purpose and Intelligence.

In other words, if you leave your whiteboard marker in the evening, and it is in the same place and in the same form the next morning, there’s your Pattern, Intent, Purpose and Intelligence right there.

Forms and 9 Stars in Feng Shui
Before we can proceed our exploration into Wuxing (cycles) and influence and effect of physical objects for the interior in a meaningful way, we need to consider the significance of exterior forms, such as in mountains. We need to also ‘solve’ if ‘supporting cycle is auspicious’, while then ‘controlling cycle is inauspicious’ can be automation.

Mountains can be categorized according to Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water mountains. Mostly form and shape will decide on the Wuxing 五行 of mountains, but Wuxing can be further indicated also by color scheme and other features.

Form and shape are therefore only part of the Wuxing spectrum and you will find it hardly possible to bring any physical appearance under any exclusive Wuxing without there being indication for other Wuxing properties just the same.

A flat mountain may come under the Earth phase, but when an Earth shaped mountain is red, the color red is yet indication for Fire present also. Generally, form and shape overrule color.

Mountains act as environmental influence upon Stars in the Flying Star chart. Also other environmental features, such as elevations, buildings and dominant physical structures, will influence the Stars in the Flying Star chart relative to the Wuxing they represent. Interior shapes and forms will be categorized according to Wuxing just the same.

A Fire form can be any triangular shape, pyramid or sharp or pointy object. Still, we cannot observe a Fire shape or form and ‘just like that’ proclaim the Fire good or bad. This object will be favorable or inauspicious, much pending time factors in use for purpose of Fei Xing Feng Shui, the Star that it meets and the intensity of the mutual relationship.

For example, a Fire shape may engender an Earth Star, such as Stars 2, 5 and 8. A Fire shape may control a Metal Star, such as Stars 6 and 7, but it remains to be seen whether all this is auspicious or not.

We cannot observe a Fire influence upon a Metal Star and from this conclude that the effect must be therefore undesirable, as we need yet distinguish influence and effect. Just a slight Fire influence upon a Metal Star may bring out the best in the Metal Star, which will now hardly feel suppressed but rather come into achievement.

A Fire influence can have positive or negative influence on any Star, also due to the principle understood in Feng Shui as Beautiful and Ugly.

What is beautiful and what is ugly is relative as it will be sometimes objective and sometimes subjective, but in a Feng Shui sense what is beautiful or ugly will meet general consensus. What is understood as beautiful breathes good Feng Shui.

We can establish a multitude of outcomes just relating Wuxing Five Transformations and 9 Stars, but which is a type of assessment that is without end and that needs your discriminative abilities.

We will discuss (in)auspicious relations between Wuxing of forms and the 9 Stars mirrored against San Yuan Jiu Yun 三元九運 Feng Shui Period 8 considerations and reflect on influence and effect, while we must also negate – outdated – terms such as ‘controlling cycle’, ‘destroying cycle’ and so on, because we meanwhile took our understanding far beyond that.

Reflect on exterior forms influencing the Mountain and Water Dragons in your Flying Star chart and keep in mind that we need to survey the complete surroundings, including other landforms – Waters and waterways – and consider the Host Star being in company of visiting Stars.

Without closely examining Form and Qi, Timeliness and Use, without simultaneously we assess also the influence of direction, location, traject, Qi confinement, Qi distribution, Qi transportation, intensity, repetition, volume and so forth, what follows would still seem rather simplistic.

We find an abundance of active claims in Chinese Feng Shui, most of which however presume knowledge of all factors that resulted in that eventual statement.

Wherever you come across the term ‘auspicious’ it means, we first assume the right Form and Qi, Timeliness, appropriate Use and beautiful forms and otherwise in company of favorable Stars.

Inauspicious then means, we first assume wrong Form and Qi, bad time, inappropriate Use, ugly forms and otherwise in company of unbeneficial Stars or any type of Sha.

Wuxing (cycles)
We have only Four Pillars of Destiny Bazi 八字算命 and 9 Star Ki Divination 九星占卜 to show us that, it’s not a given that, should we see ‘supporting cycle’ among 5 Elements, that this should result in ‘positive’, just as ‘controlling cycle’ would not result in ‘negative’ as an automation.

To this respect, fetch yourself a drink, then read 5 Elements not a player in 9 Stars forecasting of real events

Positive or negative in Chinese Feng Shui relies on much more than Wuxing or its cycles, if only now that we appreciate that we can invite the best behavior from out of just any of the 9 Stars, including those perceived ‘untimely and inauspicious’ Stars in Fei Xing Feng Shui.

Before anything can be auspicious (Ji 吉), we need to see an amalgamation of other factors that are ‘in favor’.

Before anything can be inauspicious (Xiong 凶), equally so, required is a set of conditions that are ‘against’ (Ke).

Huai Nan Zi 淮南子: “Wuxing mutually love one another”.

(In)auspicious Wuxing and form relations in Feng Shui

1 Water Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 1 may invite Water to come into creative production.

Fire shape upon Star 1 may invite Water to produce wealth, gain assets.

Earth shape upon Star 1 may discipline Water, giving it ambition and authority.

Metal shape upon Star 1 may engender Water, giving it resource to produce.

Water shape upon Star 1 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Water.

Star 1 is distant future Sheng Qi during Period 8. Although not too strong in San Yuan Jiu Yun Period 8, Star 1 is a White Star (1, 6 and 8) and considered intrinsically auspicious throughout the Periods, provided of course it meets with appropriate surroundings. When slightly under control by Earth, Star 1 can release authority and achievement.

When Star 1 meets ugly surroundings and when under control of too dominant Earth, it may produce diseases of the Kidney, Bladder, reproductive organs, blood, deafness. Illness may relate to other accompanying Stars. When in company of Star 4 and meeting inappropriate forms, this may instigate failure, bad romance.

2 Earth Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 2 may discipline Earth, giving it ambition and authority.

Fire shape upon Star 2 may engender Earth, giving it resource to produce.

Earth shape upon Star 2 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Earth.

Metal shape upon Star 2 may invite Earth to come into creative production.

Water shape upon Star 2  may invite Water to produce wealth, gain assets.

We would like to find Star 2 in company of Metal, so as to secure flow of Qi and not to have any event result in sickness, especially so with the combos 3-2, 9-2 or 5-2. Powers cast upon Star 2 must be gentle and not compromise this Star and then we may invite beneficial events from this Star still. It is better not to have any Fire influence upon Star 2. When we find Star 2 under influence of Fire, we need to also find Water and Metal.

When found with bad surroundings, Star 2 is to be distrusted.

We cannot leave this Star unattended as it may produce illness. We cannot sleep on a Mountain Dragon 2 and when we do, we need to leave a window open. Use a natural gourd and try stay clear altogether.

Concerning both Star 2 and Star 5, we need to be extra mindful not to Use (Yong) these Stars when we find 2 and 5 together and/or with bad surroundings. Stars 2 and 5 are quite powerful and ‘Three Cycles, Nine Periods’ doctrine has it that their intrinsic beneficial powers will be released only during their own Periods, when it is said that Star 2 will produce great health and fertility, while Star 5 during its own Period is said to produce authority and courtesy. Outside their own Periods, we need to attend to these Stars and be mindful using them.

3 Wood Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 3 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Wood.

Fire shape upon Star 3 may invite Wood to come into creative production.

Earth shape upon Star 3 may invite Wood to produce wealth, gain assets.

Metal shape upon Star 3 may discipline Wood, giving it ambition and authority.

Water shape upon Star 3 may engender Wood, giving it resource to produce.

Star 3 is Untimely but Usable during Period 8. With good surroundings it may feel invited to release its dynamic positive personality and be creative, laborious and benevolent. If well taken care of, Star 3 can be a good friend.

But you must remain on guard, because it is easy to challenge Star 3 into battle and he is skilled at that. We must give it good and quiet surroundings. When challenged, Star 3 can become rather bold, aggressive, daring and fearless.

4 Wood Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 4 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Wood.

Fire shape upon Star 4 may invite Wood to come into creative production.

Earth shape upon Star 4 may invite Wood to produce wealth, gain assets.

Metal shape upon Star 4 may discipline Wood, giving it ambition and authority.

Water shape upon Star 4 may engender Wood, giving it resource to produce.

Even though Star 4 is Untimely during Period 8, when it is found with the right surroundings, it may give beneficial events. Star 4 will be however rather weak in Period 8, so we like to find it in company of beautiful Water, which will inspire Star 4 to produce success and good romance.

Intrinsically Star 4 can be ambivalent. In the right company it can be  easy, in the wrong company it may feel invited into wrong-doings. The events produced by Star 4 may much depend on portents of other Stars.

Metal influence upon Star 3 may be slightly different from Metal influence on Star 4.

When a Star is under control and the power of control is kept within certain limits, the Star under control will be pushed to perform. Star 3 will produce different behavior than Star 4 when under this influence. Star 4 will give off its gentle properties of creativity and compassion, while Star 3 may achieve through impuls and pioneering.

5 Earth Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 5 may discipline Earth, giving it ambition and authority.

Fire shape upon Star 5 may engender Earth, giving it resource to produce.

Earth shape upon Star 5 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Earth.

Metal shape upon Star 5 may invite Earth to come into creative production.

Water shape upon Star 5 may invite Earth to produce wealth, gain assets.

When we know how to Use Star 5, it may promote immens authority, autonomy, authenticity and righteousness. Great achievement.

Star 5 is notorious for producing all kinds of midhap. While the soup may not be eaten as hot as it is being served, we still don’t want to annoy Star 5. It is easily displeased, as it is like a dragon that we can’t be sure in which mood it will wake up.

5 Yellow can build and destroy in just an instance and unannounced. It may bring out what was already innate. If nobility is within, it is what will surface under its influence.

With Star 5 we need closely assess whether being engendered by Fire shapes will produce beneficial effect. For reason that Star 5 is Untimely and considered one of the evil Stars, we would like to find Star 5 in company of Metal influence. Star 5 under influence of just a little Fire but in company also of strong Metal, will render different outcome than when Metal is absent. “Qi heals Qi” means that we need to counter Star 5 with the highly charged Qi of the Noble Star (Water Star 8 during Period 8) and give it sound and movement of Metal (e.g chiming clock). Here, just relying on Metal shape and form will become quite feeble, while we can expect even lesser effect from using metal material of physical objects: “things within the same group move each other”.

In the right environment, Star 5 may be invited to produce beneficial events. We can not leave Star 5 unattended or challenge Star 5. If you think you can deal with Star 5, it also means you are not tired, healthy, maintain a certain readiness – eagerness – to meet with unexpected events and know how to handle them and stay in shape.

6 Metal Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 6 may invite Metal to produce wealth, gain assets.

Fire shape upon Star 6 may discipline Metal, giving it ambition and authority.

Earth shape upon Star 6 may engender Metal, giving it resource to produce.

Metal shape upon Star 6 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Metal.

Water shape upon Star 6 may invite Metal to come into creative production.

During Period 8, Star 6 is Untimely but Usable. We can anticipate on its beneficial properties and expect good result when attended to in the right way. Righteousness, authority and leadership will come from 6 Metal, the events produced largely depending on the surrounding Stars.

Rigidity, father hurt, Lung problems and depression are only some of the ill portents of this Star when found in compromising circumstances. Still, Star 6 is one of the benevolent Stars because it is one of the White Stars.

7 Metal Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 7 may invite Metal to produce wealth, gain assets.

Fire shape upon Star 7 may discipline Metal, giving it ambition and authority.

Earth shape upon Star 7 may engender Metal, giving it resource to produce.

Metal shape upon Star 7 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Metal.

Water shape upon Star 7 may invite Metal to come into creative production.

Star 7 is past its Prime during Period 8. Although Untimely and Considered basically detrimental in its basic nature, still in Period 8 good things may come from Star 7 when carried by good Form and Qi. Whether it will cast its beneficial properties depends on the company and how it is being treated.

We would not like to find Star 7 in company of Fire influence, whether this is a Fire mountain or a Star 9, unless this influence is mild and in company also of Star 8. Even an otherwise beautiful Fire mountain but a mountain that is too strong, will not be good on the outcome.

8 Earth Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 8 may discipline Earth, giving it ambition and authority.

Fire shape upon Star 8 may engender Earth, giving it resource to produce.

Earth shape upon Star 8 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Earth.

Metal shape upon Star 8 may invite Earth to come into creative production.

Water shape upon Star 8 may invite Water to produce wealth, gain assets.

Star 8 is the Commanding Star during Period 8. Especially when found in company of beautiful Fire or Metal (particularly Star 6) it will produce happy events and good achievement. Can withstand ill influences.

During Period 8, it will be not easy to invite Star 8 into producing detrimental events. Still, when under control of Wood, we would like this influence to be kept to a minimum, especially so with Star 3.

9 Fire Star and forms

Wood shape upon Star 9 may engender Fire, giving it resource to produce.

Fire shape upon Star 9 may confirm whatever existing agenda of Fire.

Earth shape upon Star 9 may invite Fire to come into creative production.

Metal shape upon Star 9 may invite Fire to produce wealth, gain assets.

Water shape upon Star 9 may discipline Fire, giving it ambition and authority.

Star 9 is future Sheng Qi during Period 8 and we may expect beneficial events coming from its presence.

When in company of Stars 2 or 5 we need to quiet down 9 Fire and adjust with Metal. Be easy also with Star 9 on Stars 6 and 7 Metal.

Feng Shui form and 9 Stars examples
Establishing presence or absence of Form and then classify this Form under Wuxing, is a crucial factor in our assessing a Flying Star chart and its influence on people, but it is only one of steps.

We need to distinguish exterior and interior forms, where the first overrides the latter, or at least, we cannot work with interior forms without our having first worked with exterior Forms.

It we find form present, we need to yet establish volume. The volume of a mountain will decide on much of the influence and the eventual effect of this form upon a particular Star. A big mountain will cast more of its influence than a tiny hill.

Distance and location are other criticial factors as well as direction and routing. Timeliness is paramount also, as the same mountain will cast a different influence in Period 7 than it would in Period 8. We need simultaneously assess different aspects.

Flying Star Feng Shui 5 Elements Flying Star chart - Heluo Hill

Carefully reflect on above charts, as shown also is an already strong Fire influence, to come from the 9 Fire Palace for Li Gua, while Fire is furthermore confirmed by an exterior Fire mountain. Still, the first chart shows Period 7, when Star 7 is the Noble Star. If everything else is well within proportion, Star 7 may be able to withstand Fire influence. The second chart shows the same situation, but for Period 8, when Star 7 is Tuì [Tuì 退 retire, decline, also referred to as Shuāi 衰 decline, wane], which leaves Star 7 weaker and may invite its unbenevolent traits more readily. In this situation Fire may take over rule, invoking undesirable outcome.

Mostly it is said that environmental mountains and elevations will influence Mountain Dragons, but we cannot rule out the influence of mountains upon Water Dragons.

Mountains are said to produce quality of people. Whether a nation and its people will be benevolent or evil depends on the land, the landforms, the fertility of the land.

Ugly mountains, with ragged shapes and otherwise bold and unfertile will portent aggressiveness.

Flat lands with no elevations will render a bold and fastidious people.

Generally it is said that wonderful mountains and good landforms are good for population growth and will promote good people.

Some practitioners also rely on the factor of resemblance, where it is noted that the form of a mountain may resemble a calabash, an elephant, a monkey, a brush holder and so forth, but if you choose to follow this reasoning you must note that this can come in only rather late in your assessments, at least not before you took care of all other factors, such as Wuxing of the mountain, its location, its vicinity, its intensity and so forth.

Yin and Yang Qi
There can be no Yang, without Yang also having invited Yin on its path and vice versa.

Yang on its own will achieve nothing, Yin on its own will be non-existent also. Shēngqì – 生氣 – can exist only if Yang and Yin meet and to enjoy dynamic equilibrium.

Against popular believe, the universe knows no balance, nor does it host harmony.

Although once much belonging to the realm of Traditional Chinese Medicine, terms such as ‘balance’ and ‘harmony’ somehow got incorporated in the curriculum of Feng Shui, Four Pillars of Destiny and Nine Star Ki, while outside the human body – where, yes, we would still enjoy desirable flow of Qi – balance is yet fairly non-existent.

The universe is not in balance, as it is much better to say that the universe is balance-seeking. Using terms such as harmony and balance should be functional to context and not bluntly parroted or copied from hear-say, but such terms only to be understood as, if a situation occurs where either Yang or Yin are dominant, then this situation may be unfit for people to live and thrive and this may result in Shāqì – 殺氣.

Just to say that a situation is undesirable when Yin and Yang may appear challenging, is not an indication for Shāqì. We can also reason that, in order to have a successful and meaningful life, we need much more than just ‘balance’ or ‘harmony’.

Balance and harmony as terms should be thrown out of the curriculum of professionals in Qi, with the exception of TCM-ers, or at least be closely examined. If still in mind proportion, we may appreciate just a slight ‘unbalance’ in Yin and Yang forces, as this would mimic nature.

We must note however that terms such as Shēngqì and Shāqì are relative and mirrored to people, because what is Shāqì for people, may not be causing problems for nature at all. Everything is relative and we need closely observe proportion and context.

Relatively, concerning shapes and forms, the tangible part of the object is Yin and will be created and always accompanied and sustained by the energy that helped shape the form and which is Yang.

Concerning smaller physical objects, so abundantly used in Feng Shui to adjust the interior, the question arises if or to what extent we can actually expect any noticeable effect from physical objects.

We need to ask, what is the resonance of smaller physical objects, if at all any?

Will the energy invested in the physical object, move to the other object, or will the energy in physical objects be able to reach over to where 9 Stars roam?

The ‘bigger bucket’ and the ‘smaller bucket’ has it that, the smaller bucket may fit into the bigger bucket, but we cannot make the bigger bucket fit into the smaller bucket. Translation: any interior adjustment should be in accordance with the larger picture.

In Classical Chinese Feng Shui, we need work outside-in, first assess the surroundings, then gradually work our way in, until we started moving about furniture. We still see practitioners minding the interior while disregarding the exterior altogether.

Qi heals Qi
What wasn’t caused by a t-shirt or a color, cannot be overcome by using a t-shirt or colors.

What we do in Flying Star Feng Shui is actually this: we meet a visible Yang occurrence by adjusting with invisible Yin and vice versa.

The best example of this dynamic is no doubt in the Holy I-Holy 0 technique that says that we need a mountain (relatively Yin and visible) into the direction of Holy I which carries a Yang and invisible influence, i.e. the current Time Star. Holy 0 then suggests that we need a tangible body of H2O to counter an intangible Yin (i.e. 5 Yellow Time Star) influence.

In so doing we invited Yin and Yang into equilibrium as we establish a rather more appropriate situation for people to thrive.

However, we did not ‘cure’ or ‘remedy’ anything because we had in the first place not encountered a situation that was – even intrinsically – sick. It was just a situation less appropriate for people to thrive, so we adjusted a little, that’s all.

The Chinese cosmological treatise and semi-classic Huai Nan Zin says: “Qi heals Qi; things within the same group move one another” and here we touch upon a subtle aspect, because it will show that in Feng Shui far too much emphasize has been on adjustments with physical objects, most practitioners still relying far too much on their effect.

Where does energy invested in Feng Shui objects go?
Energy is what shapes the physical object. The bigger bucket hosts and is mother to the smaller bucket, which is a derivative, a child.

As it is with everything else, physical objects exist within a certain frequency, but this resonance then predominantly transferred among physical objects, and before then any meaningful influence onto the environment or even onto 9 Stars could result from this. This is because most of the energy will be of course devoted inside the physical object itself, to sustain itself, and such that not too much effect can be expected to still come from this influence.

It is the reasoning behind “Qi heals Qi” whereby using the Qi of the Commanding Star, i.e. during Feng Shui Period 8 the Qi of Water Dragon 8, is to be taken to adjust the said ill fortuned Qi of for example 5 Yellow.

Once “Qi heals Qi” taken care of, we can resort to “Things within the same group move one another”, and adjust by the hand of physical objects, then picked for their Wuxing effect.

Likewise, 5 Yellow can be adjusted by the sound and movement of Metal (both adjustments portenting intangible and highly charged energy, rather than countering this situation with feeble resonance or tangible objects).

Sound and movement of Metal onto Star 5 – for example through a chiming clock – will prevail over the use of any physical objects that we may perhaps reason were to come under the Metal phase, because any physical object, whatever its shape or color, will devote most its energy just to sustain itself and to transport energy among peers at best, the other physical objects.

Physical objects maintain a flow of energy between them, hardly sufficient in magnitude to then still reach across and find Qi of 9 Stars, which comes in much greater magnitude.

In order to reach over to and influence 9 Stars, we need the assistance of much bigger and environmental features.

Heluo Hill