9 Star Ki Divination – Events Forecasting Trigram Attributes

Now it becomes your second nature to translate 9 Stars
events and back, to let Luoshu do the talking.

Here 9 Stars attributes will be all that you need for:

9 Stars and Luoshu real (news) events forecasting 九星占卜
Watch as your news images turn into a moving Luoshu.
(Well, assumed first of course that you are in front of your
news media in hand your annual- and monthly Luoshu).

Life progression, dos & don’ts
Life events, initiatives, health, talents, career and relationship planning.
(It’s quite something else – I may tell you – if only you were to go and see your
life’s chronology along the rhythm of each time 9 years, months and days).

Everything past-present-future is in just your annual- and monthly Luoshu.

– Luoshu Never Lies –
However, it is Luoshu still viewed as a ‘flat surface’ with 9 standalone units.
Let’s propose that differently, for your proficiency.

Luoshu Axis
Luoshu 洛書 consists of instead 4 distinct interrelated electromagnetic +/- arms.

We may thus quit to zoom in on only our Subject Star to Read in only a single Luoshu Palace.

Instead, involve the entire Luoshu Axis that your Subject Star to Read appears on, until we say:

“Nothing to befall a Star in a certain Luoshu Palace with
not the hand in affairs of opposite Palace and Star(s)”.

If you read in name of a Star 2 person, you would still zoom in initially on Subject Star 2 to note the arrival of a letter4, while question becoming what type of letter? Up to recently, there was no way of knowing.

You’ll then involve the entire Luoshu Axis for finer detail, to see Star 2 aligned with opposite Star 6 for career6 related, while may anticipate a business trip4-6.

Your Subject Star to Read could be Star 2 for a hospital.
For your news events forecasting may same Star configuration suggest new
respiratory4 equipment for the Lung6 department of a hospital2.

Until for your one-glimpse-only sensation, you may just single out only those Stars then applicable, while whichever way taken, all Stars to appear so-called omnialigned along a certain Luoshu Axis would have something to crumble in the milk.

Reversed Luoshu Axis – game changer
Also, each time note annual- and monthly Reversed Luoshu Axis.

Luoshu for 5 Yellow exempt, each Luoshu will feature one of 9 Stars to appear from opposite its base position in Luoshu.

This would render the entire Luoshu Axis ‘magnetically off’, which would affect events, events progression and outcome.

Once this in your toolbox, nothing will be the same, as you’ll note this for your 9 Star and Luoshu events forecasting, as much as you would reckon with this for your personal life progression, dos & don’ts.

Star 1 attributes

H2O in broadest sense, floods, aquatic life, rain, sea, river, wetland, peninsula, coastal area, island, delta. Drowning, place near water, water related hazards. Shipping industry (not ship7), fishing industry, beverage industry. Infection, contamination, loss of blood, diarrhea. Epidemic, poison. Inclined downward, (fall into) depth, collapse, sewerage, ravine, avalanche, disperse, hibernation, retreat, trap, ambush. Delay, fall back, stagnation, leakage, erosion. Alcohol, drugs, chemistry and pharma related. Mentally challenged, subconscious. Cable. Sexual events, libido, sex industry, scandal. Trap, ambush, hiding, disguise. Animal outbreak or attack. Metaphysics, religious workers and events, religious sect. Writing. Mystery, introspection, wisdom. Danger, stealthy, camouflage, disguise. Theft, robbery, burglar. Trap, ambush, place under cover, grave, graveyard. Bar, restaurant. Nuclear accident. Virus infection, legionnaires disease, pneumonia. Star 1 combined with Star 4 for ‘wind’ or ‘excitement of air’, may bode elevator, so expect events surrounding elevators, perhaps escalators, ski lift. As Star 4 handles the ability to breath, the combination 1-4 may bode Dolphins and Whales, with Star 5 may be religious premise1-5. Kidney, Bladder, reproductive system, libido, pregnancy related, skin, hair, nails, ear, blood, lymph, joints, lower part of body.

Character and temperament

Courage, dares take risks, independent, self-reliant, discrete, intuitive, concentrating, diplomatic, adaptable, cool, serious, careful, insightful, social, self-protective, industrious, patient, adaptable, hardworking, intimate, self-conscious, self-assertive, confident, inspired, serene, reflective.

Fear, phobic, stagnant, taciturn, reserved, contemptuous, manipulative, stubborn, obstinate, unadaptable, tenacious, worrisome, disdainful, overbearing, insecure, victim, defensive, paranoid, solitude, loneliness, overconfident, isolation.

Star 2 attributes

By far probably the most versatile, Star 2 governs everything the educational field, school, teacher, student, the medical field (not so much surgery7), hospital, hospitalization, doctor, nurse, caretaking industry. Star 2 is in agriculture, farming and farmers, working the land, provision, supplies, the act of fueling, (in)feed, food (distribution) and food industry, nourishment, famine, hunger strike, poisoning, overdose. Star 2 quite notably is in ‘surface relied on for protection’, such as (in collapse of) flooring, foundation, (partitioning or defense) walls, roof, guardrail, pillar, balustrade, balcony, façade, theater stage, ship’s deck, landing strip, landing gear, a bridge, viaduct, dam, dike, sluice, tower crane, cherry picker, aerial work platform, amusement park type incidents to involve (cars of) Ferris wheels, swing rides or roller-coasters and comparable (that’s subtle: see also Star 4 attributes). Star 2 represents homogeneous groups of people gathered around same organization or kitchen, including workers, inmates (not jail8), detention, monastery, ship’s crew, or a group of people gathered if only for then momentary purpose, such as with a mob during demonstrations, or for mob clashes during manifestations. Spectators, migrants, refugees, evacuees, hostages, asylum seekers, ground troops (infantry), prisoners of war. Imminent friction between population groups or factions. Star 2 is in plot of land, food producing fields, including coal or gold mines, mining in general, labor mine, labor mine workers, mineshaft, while also sky (birds), sea, river and lake (fish), and ocean floor, including then deep-sea mining. It is in container, box, luggage, suitcase, backpack, kitchen, ship’s cabin. Subterraneous hollow space in the broad sense of the word, that what lies subterranean, concealed, shelter, cavity, cave, train or subway tunnel, parking garage, bunker, septic tank, sinkhole, including submarine once it Star 2 and Star 4 (for O2) conjoined. Environmental incidences, ecological disasters, mudslides (landslide8), contamination, pollution, infection, epidemic. Insurrection, large population migration, (re)settlement, evacuation, eviction, deportation, act of mutiny, piracy, hijack, kidnapping. Star 2 mother (of all Gua), it is in family, marriage, committed relationship, spouse, homestead (not so much building8), abode, women’s labor force, journalist, civilians, zoo, while Star 2 can be territorial as in – both actual and figurative – border, corridor, buffer zone, blockade. Meadow, place in shadow, village, rural area, small house, trunk of a tree, outfit. Star 2 in company of – or to appear from opposite position same Luoshu Axis – Star 4 (4-2) may bode fueling2 problems related to an aircraft4, food2 dropping4, inmate2 to break out by means of a rope4, underground2 launching4 facility, rope4 suspension bridge2. Star 2 in company of Star 6 (6-2) may be a food2 silo6 or food2 truck6. Star 2 affiliated with Star 7 for a ship, may bode a grain2 transport, merchant ship. On its own, then the more once in company of – or once as aligned same Luoshu Axis with – Star 8 may bode people’s2 revolt8, then Star 2 along Star 9 for fuels, may indicate a transport for agricultural2 diesel oil9. In personal 9 Ki, it may bode spouse m/f, your study. Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, more predominantly Stomach, digestive system, belly, abdomen, womb, pregnant woman, flesh, muscle tissue, torso.

Character and temperament

Social, supportive, methodical, receptive, compassionate, steady, systematic, solid, delicate, caring, thoughtful, sacrificing, trustworthy, diligent, delicate, maternal, accurate, feminine, shrewd, conservative, nourishing, observing, provincial, dedicated, devotion, systematic, detail-oriented, social, sympathy, understanding.

Dependent, meticulous, provincial, conservative, hesitant, envious, irritated, possessive, suspicious, egotistical, cynical, skeptical, jealous, shrewd, irritable, stubborn, discriminating, cool, doubtful, fastidious.

Star 3 attributes

New impulse not unlikely in an existing enterprise, short projects, creative, initiation, pioneering, idealism. Railway industry, commuter station, rail track, train, tram, metro. Uniformed personnel, police, security guards, firefighterssee9. Male, husband, matured man, athlete. Thunder, electricity, electrical detonator, ignition, short-circuit, electrically propelled machinery, power plant, transmission tower. Information technology, computer, television, telephone, actors. Immediate and eruptive impulses, arousal, shouting, bite or first sudden start of growth, piercing, propulsion, loud noise, tremor. Promotion, sales and marketing, invention, altruism, gambling. Upward bound rectangle, high rise building. Hollow but not sealed off. Highway, new road, heavy road haulage. Tree, woods, forest, jungle. Bite, a jolt, penetrating, piercing, intruding. In company of other Stars – with Star 2 it can demolish a wall, dam, balcony, while it may bode a kick in the belly3-2, high-rise building3-8, earthquake3-8. Eldest son, male, husband. Liver and Gallbladder, more predominantly Liver, eyes, muscle, leg.

Character and temperament

Sociable, exploratory, initiative, pioneer, venturesome, enthusiasm, humorous, optimistic, joyful, youthful, talkative, patience, flexible, tolerant, susceptible, stamina, insightful, outgoing, accessible, active, optimistic, progressive, creative, advancing, frank, straightforward, growing, concentrated, passionate, development, intense, sensitive, talkative, passionate, extrovert, uncomplicated.

Explosive, inflexible, temper, impulsive, intolerable, domineering, brash, reckless, upfront, frank, bold, anger, aggressive, quick-tempered, rivalry, yelling, hyperactive, nonexploratory, unbending, impatient, rash, hasty, self-pity, upset, alienating, prejudice, preoccupied.

Star 4 attributes

Documents, paper, scripture, proclamation, the written word or publishing, encoding, data carrier, exams, contract, treatises, email, written declarations, archives, (air)mail, parcel, library, post office. Relating to AI, internet, social media, media, broadcasting, information, the spreading of ideas, intelligence and security, (un)wired tele-communication, art, music, fashion. It breaths liberalism. Marketing, networking, telephone call, travel, art. Star 4 may be in anything airborne to move through air from point A to point B, anything to excite air: turbulence, funneling, pneumatics, oxygen, the ability to breath, wind, turbulence, air pressure, condensation, storm, hurricane, typhoon, cyclone, macroburst, wind turbine, wind farm, the act of parachuting, kite surfing and windsurfing. It is in volatile substances, gass, contagion, pollution, O2, CO2. Airplane, projectiles, missiles, drone, the act of airstrike, shelling. Astronomy, space related, aeronautics, aviation industry, satellite, drone. Travel, travel industry, go on a trip. Transportation industry, world trade. Gunpowder, powder, fuse. Apart from its known attributes, Star 4 is a gentle Star, compassionate and sociable, also a bit feeble, instability in movement, stumbling, slow progression. Female working force, balding men, makers of profit. Wooden house, lush. Garden, vegetation, leaf, pasture, meadow, park. Rope, cord. Suffocation, strangulation. Star 4 in company of or aligned same Luoshu Axis with your own Star may go on a trip, in company of or aligned with Star 1, can be Dolphin, Whale, ski lift, elevator, lift shaft, ventilation grill, escalator, roller-coaster, Ferris wheel, air contamination, major religious proclamation, spraying drone. Star 4 in company of Star 2 for ‘surface relied on for protection’ can involve slip on platform of sorts, or rope4 outbreak by inmate2, while Star 4 in company of Star 3 for uniformed personnel (police, fire brigade, security forces) can bode gas mask, tear gas or volatile substances, with Star 5 missile launching facility, Star 6 armored drone, with Star 7 can be container ship or houseboat, with Star 8 may bode windmill. Liver and Gallbladder, more predominantly Gallbladder, hair, upper arm, thigh, buttock, chest, pulmonary system (breathing and ability to breath).

For Star 3 years, annual Star 4 is on the Xun-Qian annual Reversed Luoshu Axis in the Star 6 Palace, which may read ‘sudden stop’ and may indicate collision, explosions and armed assault. The Palace would provide Star 4 with authority, so we may expect incidences with regard to aviation companies, developments in aviation and space technology.

The Star 6 Luoshu Palace is associated with labor strikes, so we anticipate labor unrest in the associated fields, such as pilots4 or aviation personnel on strike, the mail and parcel industry on hold. By the same token and because the Star 6 Palace reads ‘business expands’, we may see major developments in engineering, then related to aviation, aeronautics, aerodynamics, world trade, the media, wind parks, the merging of corporations.

Character and temperament

Tender, confident, controlled, reputable, prudent, adaptable, liberal, flexible, compassionate, smooth mannered, emotional, harmonious, open, creative, adaptable, social, affectionate.

Impulsive, stubborn, evasive, calculating, uncontrolled, changeable, unadaptable, reckless, hypersensitive, moody, inflexible, scattered, self-centered, impractical, manipulative, meticulous, indecisive.

Star 5 attributes

Star 5 goes where gravity goes, not exempt our aimed thoughts. It would therefore seem the better idea to rid Star 5 of the injustice done to it everywhere, as Star 5 is indeed not only unpredictable, but as much involved in both immense progress and massive breakthrough, as the setback, accidents or disasters for which it may be so widely taken. Granted, as we would not disregard it, Star 5 – aka 5 Yellow – may bring about what was innate, it then released accumulated energy either way often unforeseeably positive or detrimental – as in greater than life – such as massive celebrations, corporate achievement, major merges, judicial trials of enormous proportion, decisive scientific break through. Army, paramilitary group, guerrilla combatants, armed factions, rebel groups, motorcycle clubs. Weird events, progress stalled, deadlock, fait accompli. Accidents, disasters, sudden unexpected but critical events. Species, skeleton. Armed calamities not seldom ego or ethnicity related (my people). Coup d’etat, martial law, curfew, occupation, ousted leadership, regime change, outlawed, deportation, displacement. Government- and sovereignty related, hegemony. Captains of industry. City square, official publicly inaccessible institutional – guarded, gated – building (governmental, judicial, parlementary), secluded and fenced structure. Stronghold, barricades, fortress, bunker, cellar, construction related objects (made of stone, brick, concrete, rock, boulder), concrete platforms. In company of other Stars – occupation island1-5, sea battle1-5, construction in sea1-5, commuter station or marshalling yard3-5, military bunker5-6, laboratory5-8. Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, more predominantly Pancreas, brain, digestive system. Star 5 may surface either noble, evil or in between. If you possess ‘emperor Qi’, that then is what would be brought about.

Character and temperament

Independent, strong, self-assertive, constructive, controlling, indomitable, proud, persistent, humane, determined, resolute, talented.

Haughty, egoistic, bold, destructive, late maturing, stubborn, destructive, forceful, irritated, aggressive, self-indulgent, calculating, unadaptable.

Star 6 attributes

Car, car industry, truck, car accidents – frontal and more likely fatal (see 7). Machines, engineering, undustrial. Explosion, ammunition, bullets, arms industry, (the act of) bomb(ing), fireworks, gun, rifle, in company of Star 4 artillery4-6. Criminal assault, armed assault, combat forces, mass shooting. Recluse, hermit, can be rigid. Sudden stop, emergency stop, sudden single impact, frontal collision, friction, tug of war, frontal clash between counterparts. Solid state, frozen. Job and career related, labor strike.  Law and legislation, judicial, corporate, governmental. Sovereign(ty), leadership, authority, martial law. Capitol, round objects, domed structures, majestic building, temple, hotel. The Star 6 Luoshu Palace – or once your Star(s) aligned with Star 6 – may imply business expands, support, or harvest, i.e. your Star showered with authority. May be elected, chosen, promoted, granted official position, may herald next step in whichever your endeavors. Contrary to what the description suggests, you do not need to own a business so as in order to reap the success of this Star or Luoshu Palace, as people will have almost automatic faith in your judgment, your skills. If so wished to harvest support, render it support to others. Labor strike and workers unrest – pending accompanying Stars: teachers, mine workers or nurses on strike2-6, aviation, airport or writers on strike4-6. Father (of all Gua), elderly men. Lung and Large Intestine, more predominantly Lung. Head, skull, neck, lower jaw, neck, bones, tendon, wrist.

Character and temperament

Complete, wholistic, leadership, will power, organized, stylish, judicious, loyal, faithful, prudent, perfectionist, magnanimous, dignified, perseverance, convinced, trustworthy, proud, rational, ethical, determined, merciful, nobility, considerate.

Depressive, non-sociable, controlling, stubborn, opinionated, sadness, complaining, hurt, melancholy, stubborn, recluse, hermit, rigidity, sentimental, defensive, calculating, offensive, moralist, inconsiderate, tenacious, insecure, merciless, uncompromising.

Star 7 attributes

Management and organization. Financial matters, money, monetary system, banking, capital market. May receive or invest money, credibility, recognition, realization. (Re)establishing name and reputation. Inclined romantic, sensual, pleasure industry. Youngest daughter, young female, wife, concubine. Metaphysician, sorcerer, singer, performer. Stadium, theater, shopping mall. Knife, sword, sharp objects, cutting, stabbing, injection, incision, infusion, surgery. Robbery, rather brutal burglary, violation, badmouthing. Damaged and dysfunctional objects. Intrusion, infringement, ability to split or disrupt something – including the act of hacking or sabotage. Thing on its last legs, neglected building, demolished building, brickwork, rupture, disintegration, broken wall2-7. Car accident and collision under a slanting angle, probably non-fatal (see 6). Ship, sailing vessel – pending accompanying Stars: food ship or submarine2-7, aircraft carrier4-7, battle ship6-7, fuel transport9-7. Snow, slightly wetted land, shallow swamp, dried up well. In company of Star 2 school stabbing2-7, Star 4 stock market4-7, Star 9 singer-performer9-7. Lung and Large Intestine, more predominantly Large Intestine. Mouth, saliva, upper jaw, teeth, throat.

Character and temperament

Easy going, joyful, happiness, social, flexible, talkative, energetic, sensitive, passionate, polished, entertaining, indulgent, resourceful, expressive, persuasive, uncomplicated, optimistic.

stubborn, stormy, egoistic, extravagant, hypersensitive, haughty, nervous, complicated, calculating, shy, wanton, over indulged, spoiled, self-centered.

Star 8 attributes

Buildings, built structures, real estate, property. Major change, revolutionary turn-around, change of power, decisions may be forced upon, start or termination of initiatives or relationship, relocation. May obtain material goods, house, land, land ownership, inheritance. Science related. Culminated events coming to a climax, standstill, matters coming to closure. Conservatism. Ego-, ethnic-, minority- and/or race related conflicts (territorial: my nation, my people, my race, religion). Public uproar, civil unrest, demonstrations, massive protest, revolt, rioting, looting, plundering. (In)voluntary burning of old bridges. Volcano, earthquake, ocean crust, earth crust, landslide. Mountains, mountainous area, mountain house, mountain animals, hills, elevated grounds. Small stones, small rock, stony path, small path, clay. Sudden stillness, immovable, becoming quiet. Cave, cemetery, burial place, monastery. Open passage, open gate (can be in a transferable sense, just as with corridor at Star 2). In company of other Stars – seaquake1-8, school, university or a mob gathered at a building2-8, police raid3-8, volcano outburst9-8, wind park or airfield4-8. Youngest son, young men, adept, researcher, unemployed person. Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, more predominantly Spleen, digestive system. Nose, small bones, fingers, toes.

Character and temperament

Seeking, striving, persistent, sympathy, wealthy, abundant, fortunate, saving minded, energetic, adventurous, tenacious, willful, curious, revolutionary, self motivating, ambitious.

Suspicious, antipathy, jealous, haughty, scepticism, opinionated, stagnated, self- indulgent, avaricious, greedy, possessive, obstinate, straightforward, pretentious.

Star 9 attributes

Fire, blaze, fire related instances, (the act of) fuel(ing), inflammable substances, radiation, parched land. Petrochemical- and pharmaceutical industry, refinery, oil, oil platform, oil pipeline. Pharmaceutical, chemicals, can be nuclear. Fully armored personnel, riot police, armored vehicle, armor, soldier, armament. Further instigation of ‘heated’ events. Crematorium, light house, deserted building. Outgoing, sociable, radiant on the outside, silent or recluse on the inside. Networking, presentation, success, becoming famous, magnified, larger than life. The high radiance of Star 9 may pull to the surface what was obscure, leading to visibility over a larger distance, to a greater degree and larger audience, exposure, disclosure. Discovery, unearthing, excavations – pending accompanying Stars: bone9-1, small settlement or wall9-2, unearthing of script9-4, discovery of new species9-5, coin or skull9-6. Movie industry, celebrities, propaganda. Name and reputation compromised, slander, scandal backed up by proof (documented). Can surface hidden disease, uncorrected childhood patterns or persisting behavioral mechanisms, (in)ability to speak. Cattle, livestock, birds, pheasant, turtle, shellfish, hollow tree. Middle daughter, middle aged people, people with big belly, balding. In company of other Stars – with Star 2 may come as lava2-9, with Star 3 a police station on fire3-9, a blaze on an oil tanker7-9, an oil platform, incinerator or lighthouse9-8. Heart and Small Intestine, Heart Constrictor, Triple Heater, circulatory system, Cerebral, Solar Plexus, eyes, tongue, chest.

Character and temperament

Calm, proud, foresight, honorable, intelligent, successful, generous, charismatic, enlightened, brightness, smooth, wholistic, embracing, tasteful, stardom, medium, hospitable, fullness, intuitive, proud, enlightened, impulsive, vain, distinguished, colorful.

Stormy, self-concerned, impulsive, vain, fickle, hyper nervous, flamboyant, stormy, silent, over emotional, inconsiderate, repetitive, superiority.

Heluo Hill